If you had to refer a family member or friend to another chiropractor for care, who among your colleagues would you recommend?
This is the question that was asked to area chiropractors to determine who deserves the distinction of Select Chiropractors™ status. Berks County Living’s Select Chiropractors™ list is based on a peer-review survey conducted by Select Professionals™ utilizing Polk-Lepson Market Research Group of York, Pa. Participants cast nominations honoring excellence in chiropractic services. Professionals are screened and selected through the verification of licensing and review of any infractions through various applicable boards, agencies and rating services.
Larry Behm D.C. Larry E. Behm Chiropractic Clinic 3961 Perkiomen Ave. | Reading | 610.779.2522 Tony G. Bellini D.C. Green Hills Chiropractic 1903 Morgantown Rd. | Reading | 610.777.9945 Kyle Bieber D.C. Bieber Family Chiropractic 2704 Bernville Rd. | Reading | 610.685.7242 Ned P. Devlin D.C. Park Road Chiropractic Center 999 Berkshire Blvd., Ste. 260 | Wyomissing | 610.236.0200 parkrdchiropractic.com David Dolan D.C. Shillington Family Chiropractic 227 E. Lancaster Ave. | Reading | 610.775.1700 shillingtonfamilychiro.com Zachary D. Fatkin D.C. Fatkin Family Chiropractic 2421 Kutztown Rd. | Reading | 610.939.0780 Phillip A. Goedecke D.C. Phillip Goedecke Chiropractic Clinic 2851 Centre Ave., Ste. F | Reading | 610.929.1115 Ann M. Hearing D.C. Centre Park Chiropractic, Inc. 600 Centre Ave. | Reading | 610.375.9319 centreparkchiropractic.com Steven Hearing D.C. Centre Park Chiropractic, Inc. 600 Centre Ave., | Reading | 610.375.9319 centreparkchiropractic.com Donna Kulp D.C. Kulp Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. & Clinical Nutrition Center 52 Morgantown Rd. | Reading | 610.208.0404 kulpchiropractic.com Martin Matthews D.C. Matthews Chiropractic Center 215 North Kenhorst Blvd. | Reading | 610.777.4495 David E. Nowotarski D.C., P.T. Nowotarski Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Center 3443 Penn Ave. | Sinking Spring | 610.678.8600 Alicia V. Witmer D.C. Witmer Chiropractic Associates 2112 Penn Ave. | Reading | 610.670.8550 witmerchiropractic.com Dean A. Wolf D.C. Wolf Chiropractic Center 1813 Penn Ave., Ste. 1 | West Lawn | 610.374.3861 Steven M. Zellers D.C. Kulp Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. & Clinical Nutrition Center 52 Morgantown Rd. | Reading | 610.208.0404 kulpchiropractic.com