We all have them: the appliances or gadgets that take up space but we really do not use that often. Take 30 minutes this week to tackle this kitchen clutter and you will love the results.
Find your deadbeat gadgets: Look on your countertops and in your cabinets and drawers. Pull out all the stuff that you haven’t used in the last 6-12 months or duplicate items.
Why we hold onto them:
- It was a gift or it’s an “heirloom.”
- I’ll use it when I start hosting dinner parties.
- They’re part of a collection; I can’t break it up!
- I’ll use it someday.
Decide what to keep:
- Only hang on to a gifted item that you do not use if giving it away will cause greatly hurt feelings.
- Keep only the gadgets and appliances you actually use at least twice a year. If you haven’t used it in 6-12 months, immediately put it in a box to donate. Only keep rarely-used items if they are truly difficult to replace.
- Donate duplicates. My pitfall is too many coffee mugs. You will feel good knowing that someone else will appreciate your extra pieces.
- Keep the ones that are most functional and feel good in your hands when you use them. Clunky or awkward to use? Get rid of it!
- For collections: cherry-pick your most favorite 50 percent of the collection. Take photos of the rest to save the memories.
Adjust your storage:
- Give your prime countertop and cabinet or drawer space to the items you use most frequently.
- For infrequently used items (like a Thanksgiving turkey platter or punch bowl set), store them in out of the way place like the attic or a storage bin in the basement.
Rachel M. Gambone is the owner of ReOrganize with Rachel, LLC. In addition to general home organizing, she specializes in helping you organize your office, papers and digital information. Her signature approach is positive organizing where she builds on your strengths, helps you find your treasures, and teaches you life-long organizing skills. See more organizing tips and a link to her free podcast at www.reorganizewithrachel.com.