We all have so many demands on our time that we can easily short-change our family, our health and our leisure. Here are some strategies to help you create a schedule that balances work and home life and honors our need for rest and rejuvenation.
Where does your time go?
- For one or two weeks log how you spend your time at home and at work.
- Review: What tasks are time hogs? What activities are missing or short-changed?
- Affirm your wishes. Where do you wish you spent more time?
Where is your time wasted?
- Look honestly at your days: When you are bored do you lose track of time surfing the Internet, watching TV, or shopping?
- Are you often interrupted?
- Are you frequently in crisis mode, putting out fires and reacting to problems?
Some strategies:
- Assess your current activities to see which are important and which are optional.
- Purge your schedule of projects and commitments that are no longer vital to you.
- Plan work ahead and leave extra time for unexpected delays or complications.
- Do your hardest work when your energy is highest (morning or evening).
- Delegate: outsource tasks and hire some child care hours to repurpose some time.
- Reserve time for your vital interests such as family, exercise, or religious faith.
Rachel M. Gambone is a trained organizer who loves to share tips and strategies to help you organize your life.