A father passes along a wealth of life lessons and values to his son, a passion for sports and a love of a team, and of course his sense of style! These dads share the joys of fatherhood along with their fashion sense as they show off summer styles with their boys.
Terry & Conley McKim
Terry is Director of Marketing, Lords & Ladies Salon & Med Spa
BEST PART OF BEING A DAD... Every day is an adventure! It’s crazy and hectic, but FUN. It’s also priceless to see him grow each day as he develops his own personality.
FAVORITE FATHER-SON BONDING ACTIVITY... We enjoy dressing up as pirates, ninjas or super heroes and playing. But for some reason, we always end up having a dance party, which involves Mom (Joie) and Dexton, too! Conley’s moves are much more impressive than ours.
VALUE YOU HOPE TO INSTILL IN YOUR SON... I’m not going to lie: it’s nerve racking to think that I’m responsible for the qualities I instill in Conley. But I just hope he learns to think BIG and always tries his absolute best before saying, “I can’t.”
FASHION STYLE INSPIRATION... I don’t have a particular source of inspiration. I like to match different styles, colors and textures to fit my own style.
T-SHIRT AND JEANS OR A SUIT AND TIE? Both! I love sporting a nice suit and tie, but throwing on jeans and a shirt is my typical daily gear.
EXPERIENCE YOU LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING WITH YOUR SON WHEN HE’S OLDER... I can’t wait to coach Conley in soccer, wrestling or whatever sports he gets involved in, except golf. I won’t be much help there. I’m horrible!
Jermaine & Jermaine D. Edwards II
Jermaine is an Investments Representative, Fidelity Investments
BEST PART OF BEING A DAD... For me, it is watching my children grow. It was only two years ago that Kristin and I had Jermaine, and it is amazing to see his growth and development over the years.
FAVORITE FATHER-SON BONDING ACTIVITY... Jermaine and I are huge New York Giants fans! We love watching the games in our Giants jerseys and Jermaine loves to yell “Touchdown!” when the Giants score.
VALUE YOU HOPE TO INSTILL IN YOUR SON... I want Jermaine to know that the sky is the limit. He can live all of his hopes and dreams as long as he focuses on those goals and takes the right steps to achieve them.
FASHION STYLE INSPIRATION... I am inspired by a sharp business look during the day and a smart casual look during the evening. I feel as though a person’s style says a lot about him, and I definitely pay a lot of attention to detail.
T-SHIRT AND JEANS OR A SUIT AND TIE? I prefer a suit, tie, cufflinks and a pocket square. You will rarely see me in a T-shirt and jeans, even if I am dressed down.
EXPERIENCE YOU LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING WITH YOUR SON WHEN HE’S OLDER... I look forward to seeing Jermaine graduate from high school and college and then move on with his career. It will be interesting to see what direction he chooses to go because he is very analytical, which bodes well for many different professions.
Rob & Max Blickle
Rob is Vice-President & Co-Owner, Performance Toyota/Volvo
BEST PART OF BEING A DAD... I value the unconditional love that I receive. People told me life would change forever when we had Max, but I had no idea! As much as I thought I already knew, Max has shown me what life is really all about.
FAVORITE FATHER-SON BONDING ACTIVITY... We enjoy hiking in the woods and “exploring,” as Max calls it, playing soccer in the backyard, and playing cars, cars and more cars! The most important activity is our knockdown hugs when I walk through the door each evening.
VALUE YOU HOPE TO INSTILL IN YOUR SON... It is important for Max to learn that life will never be handed to him. He needs to see that our family works hard. The world is a tough place, and life is too short to get caught up in all the stresses. The most important things in life are to stay healthy, be happy, laugh, take time to stop to enjoy the beauty of the world, and always love and respect your family and friends. If you do, you will have a long and rewarding life. What more could a dad possibly want to pass on to his son?
FASHION STYLE INSPIRATION... I usually go with the flow and wear what is comfortable and makes me happy.
T-SHIRT AND JEANS OR A SUIT AND TIE? Aaahhhh, a suit and tie only when necessary. Daily, I wear khakis and a button down. On the weekends, a comfortable pair of jeans is definitely more up my alley…especially for exploring with Max!
EXPERIENCE YOU LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING WITH YOUR SON WHEN HE’S OLDER... It is almost impossible to put into words how I am constantly amazed by how much joy this little boy brings to our lives. My wife, Pam, and I thrive on watching him be healthy, and watching him learn and grow. What a pure gift. As my mom taught me, kids don’t ask to come into this world. It is our job to make sure he has the very best start in life possible. I look forward to watching Max become a well-respected, successful and honorable man. And I look forward to seeing him pass on to his future children the same values we have instilled in him.