In the words of an Indian Guru, “Do good because you are good,” Berks Karma Yoga Club’s (BKYC) mission is to follow these wise words every day. To embrace the goodness that is in each of us by performing daily acts of kindness, volunteering time to learn about important world and local issues, and helping non-profit organizations in Berks County, BKYC founder Carrie Culverhouse and her dedicated volunteers are constantly finding ways to help people in our community.
“The emphasis is that you are already good and this organization allows you to see it first-hand,” Carrie asserts. So you may be wondering: where does the exercise-based yoga come into play? Most people are only familiar with Hatha yoga--the use of elongated poses and breathing techniques to exercise. BKYC does incorporate this style of yoga but it is not the purpose of the club.
To start off the 2013, BKYC deemed it necessary to focus on bringing awareness about Human Trafficking to the public. January is the international Human Trafficking Awareness Month and Carrie’s goal was to bring people together and discuss the issue.

“We’re going to get our hands dirty. Take risks for the organization,” Carrie explains. Human trafficking involves any minor used in a sexually or commercially exploited way. The most common acts of trafficking in the United States are child pornography and teen prostitution. BKYC held 10 events dedicated to the issue. One event included a movie night at the Reading IMAX made possible by the Freedom in Restoration for Everyone Enslaved (FREE) organization. FREE is a Berks county volunteer organization that serves to rid the community of traffickers and to help victims.
BKYC also held a book discussion on Girls Like Us. Several libraries throughout the area displayed this book that devotes itself to the awareness of this crime.
If you want to get involved in seeing the good in yourself and all the people around you, BKYC is always looking for volunteers. Join their mailing list at berkskarmayogaclub.com and “like” their Facebook page to receive updates on ways to get involved.