Looking for a quick and easy way to boost your memory as you age? Have no fear…you can do it with food! The famous Dr. Oz (www.doctoroz.com) offers up the following suggestions:
- Add eggs. Whole eggs, that is – yolk and all. Eggs contain choline and a recent study found that people who have a diet rich in choline scored higher on verbal and visual memory tests and are less likely to show signs associated with dementia. Moderation is key though, as eggs can increase cholesterol.
- Beets can’t be beat. Research shows the natural nitrates in beets can improve focus and concentration. Don’t like them plain? Try adding them to a salad.
- Don’t skimp on shrimp. High in B12, shown to prevent memory decline, Shrimp are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to improve memory function as you age. If you’re a seafood lover, this one’s a real revelation!
- Reach for rosemary. A recent study said just the smell of rosemary can help rev-up your memory. The amount of one of the main chemicals in rosemary oil, called 1,8-cineole, can be linked to brain performance. The more 1,8-cineole study participants absorbed into their bloodstream, the better their performance on speed and accuracy tests. Keep a plant on your windowsill or add a rosemary-oil diffuser to your room.