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Salt Lounge
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Salt Lounge
A brand-new health and wellness center has arrived in Berks County, and it is unlike any other in the area. Rachel Eskin recently opened a unique and meaningful business to create a healthier and more connected community: The Salt Lounge.
What is Salt Therapy?
The Salt Lounge, Berks County’s first salt-immersion experience, held its grand opening in April. During a 45-minute session, clients recline in zero-gravity chairs, get cozy under a blanket, and listen to guided meditations or music while taking in the healing properties of Himalayan Pink Salt. There are two salt rooms available; the main room seats up to eight people, and a smaller, private room seats two adults and can accommodate children. Both rooms have salt floors and salt décor on the walls as a supplement to the aerosolized dry salt that is circulated through the room via a halogenerator for a truly immersive experience.
Eskin first learned about salt therapy two years ago after visiting a salt room in Florida. “I loved it and really wanted to bring something so relaxing and healing to Berks County,” she explains. “My own personal experience is that it helps me de-stress most of all. Stress is a major contributor to so many illnesses, so I take the time to care for myself by unplugging and meditating. The salt room is just the perfect place to do that because you’re getting the added benefits of the salt.” Rachel says spending time in the room also helps her to sleep better and alleviates allergy symptoms.
Beachy Benefits
Salt therapy, or halotherapy, is a widely used natural remedy that dates back several centuries and has become widely popular all over the world because of its many proven benefits. In salt therapy, pure micronized salt particles flow through the lungs and sinuses, controlling symptoms of inflammation and a variety of respiratory ailments. Dry salt aerosol has been used to treat upper and lower respiratory conditions such as cold, flu, allergies, sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis, as well as much more serious conditions like COPD, emphysema and cystic fibrosis in the United States for more than 20 years.
In addition to its healing properties, circulated salt also creates negative ions in the air that can contribute to relaxation and a feeling of well-being. Think of it like getting all the good vibes from sitting near the ocean, without the sand!
More Ways to Get Salty
In addition, The Salt Lounge also offers salt stone massages, reflexology and reiki – wellness services all aimed at achieving maximum relaxation. If you prefer a little movement, salty yoga classes are available in the main room every Tuesday evening.
Eskin has also partnered with other local wellness experts to create a full schedule of special events. “From Pilates to meditation, all the events will be geared toward teaching clients how to care for themselves and live their best healthy life.” You can see the full schedule @TheSaltLounge on Facebook or by vising online atthesaltlounge.net.
Did you know? The healing atmosphere of salt caves was acknowledged as long ago as Medieval times, when monks would take the sick into the caves to allow them to breathe air saturated with salt particles.
Shop Local. The Salt Lounge has a small retail section, offering Himalayan salt bath products from Paisley & Company in Kutztown, as well as salt lamps and edible gourmet salts.