Fall brings some great events to Berks. My favorite is actually Merchant Trick-or-Treat held in Kutztown. I love how all of the Main Street businesses open up and college students come out to give candy to kids in costume.
– Nikki M. Murry, editor

Believe it or not, holiday shopping time is just around the corner. One of my favorite local spots to shop is Paisley & Company in Kutztown because I love to personalize products for my family and friends.
– Robyn L. Jones, publisher

For me, Apple Cider Donuts are a must-eat fall food. The best are from Frecon Farms in Boyertown. You have to try them!
– Elizabeth Beebe, account executive

Before the weather gets too chilly, I have to get to Hawk Mountain to enjoy the spectacular view.
– Marian Frances Wolbers, freelance writer, Dining Out

I like my pumpkin in pie form! It seems to be a quintessential dessert at my fall family gatherings.
– Quynh Fisher, art director

I think the most beautiful leaf-peeping experience in Berks is found at the Reading Public Museum. I love to stroll the grounds.
– Sara Woodward, account executive