photo courtesy of Redner's Fresh Market
With consumers looking for quick meal solutions that can be enjoyed on the spot or at home, many supermarkets have increased their assortment of grab-and-go offerings.
Redner’s has been able to bring the concept of “fresh is best” to its Wyomissing Redner’s Fresh Market, all the while retaining its traditional identity — bulk buys and dollar values.
The market, located in Berkshire Square, was rebranded in April of 2019. According to Eric White, Redner’s Director of Marketing, sales at the rebranded location have increased more than 25 percent since April.
An Agile Vision
White notes that Ryan Redner, the founder’s grandson and current CEO, saw a changing marketplace. “People are busier, but they also want to eat healthier and are more aware of what they are eating and where it comes from,” says White.
“The third-generation Redners are agile and visionary; they know they have to change with a changing marketplace,” says White. “But they also value their existing customer base and work to retain them too.”
The category mix at the Wyomissing Redner’s Fresh Market is both traditional and cutting-edge. “Redner’s is not walking away from our stock and trade,” says White. “Our center aisles are what our guests are used to with Redner’s.”
Migration to Fresh
Those aisles contain the “warehouse” items, while the perimeter houses the fresh and newer offerings. “We’ve added to our services and have attracted a bigger customer base,” White chuckles, adding that guests from other Redner’s locations have migrated to the Wyomissing store for the Fresh Market.
Redner’s Fresh Market is well-lit, clean and inviting. Shoppers are met with the smell of cooking food at the front door. To the right, fresh produce is offered in both bulk and fresh, pre-cut packages, satisfying traditional cooks and those that want to take home vegetables and fruits cut and ready to add to any dish.
To the rear, a selection of custom-marinated recipes by meat manager Bob Miller line a sleek meat case. Next to that is Redner’s famous fried chicken and a fresh sushi case.
The center of the store offers Chef Timothy Twiford’s “Chef Inspired Meals,” an array of pre-packaged, fresh dinners that can be taken home and heated.
Twiford, the former executive chef at the Crowne Plaza Reading in Wyomissing, was wooed to Redner’s for the opportunity presented to him.
“I liked the appeal of being able to start the prepared foods department at Redner’s,” says Twiford. “Redner’s presented me with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with a grocery store. Now I am able to take my creations from a single location and share it with guests throughout multiple Redner’s stores.”
Chef Tim’s Table
Tucked into one corner of the Fresh Market is Chef Tim’s Table. White explains that the “table” experience is auctioned off for charity benefits, and the recipient receives an evening with Chef Tim.
Twiford prepares a six-course meal for eight people, seeing every item procured from the market. Chef explains the ingredients and preparation techniques.
White explains guests realize that they, too, can prepare the same meal from their own kitchen using items from their local Redner’s.