So, I’m not really a “New Year’s Resolution kind of gal,” but this year I do resolve to do a better job keeping up with blogging!
I’ve decided to give myself a high-five in advance. The high-five is also a new thing for me. I don’t know why, but I’ve just never really been a fan of the high-five. I don’t think it’s really necessary to high-five others after things like sinking a golf putt, or getting a strike in bowling. And I think it is terrible when it is a lame high-five or even worse, when it is a high-five miss.
All that changed for me recently when I learned the secret behind the perfect high-five. If everyone knew this secret, I think I may become a fan after all. Dying to know what it is?
Here you go: when you are high-fiving someone else, if you look at their elbow while high-fiving (and they look at yours), it is the perfect connection every time. Go ahead, find someone near you and try it. I’ll wait. Now, high-five them the regular careless way, and then do it the elbow way. Trust me, there is a difference. I don’t know who has been hiding this secret from me all these years, but I think it is high-time that everyone else knows about it.
So, here’s a high-five to blogging and to high-fives in general. The secret’s out.