New Year’s resolutions? No, thank you! On the other hand, there is an exhilarating renewal in the date resetting to back to 1/1.
With the new year in mind, there are 2 women I wanted to connect with for perspective on embracing wellness of spirit, mind and body: Pam Guido, owner of Shri Yoga (whose recipes and interview are coming later this month) and Stacy Brown, owner of Sunshine Fitness Studio. She’s not just a mom, coach and business owner, but also empowers men and women to live a better life. She can get you through a rigorous workout guiding you to the proper form and pace. I know, I’ve been there and I feel better for having pushed through it.
There is one consistent theme, in chatting with both women, intention. We hold the power to create our day. Preparation is key in planning your week and surrounding yourself with healthier options. When you have to make a decision in a pinch be sure the people, schedule and foods you’ve put within your reach serve to make you a better person. Here are some tips on how to fulfill your 2014 desires and goals! Bring it BIG this year. I plan on showing 2014 who’s the boss! (Ask me that in May, please.)

Q | Do you ever entertain the notion of New Year's resolutions? Why or why not?
Stacy: I don't make New Year's resolutions. Instead, at the end of the year I take the time to reflect and assess what changes I would like to see in my life in the following areas: spiritual development, motherhood, relationship, career, personal growth, recreation, financial and health. Evaluating my life in these areas helps develop a longer term strategy for meeting my goals and aspirations.
I find that setting New Year’s resolutions are often always focused on immediate weight loss and exercise goals when in fact reflecting on all areas of my life is truly what living with total body wellness is all about. These areas are often the same focus during my morning quiet times; therefore, I am continually keeping my goals and aspirations in front of me.
Q | What activities do you choose to start your day with and why?
Stacy: By far the most important activity of the day is my mental and spiritual exercise. I find that I accomplish much more in a day if I get my mind going in the right direction before I ever leave the house.
After I wake up, I typically spend at least an hour in prayer, meditation, journal writing and reading encouraging devotionals. I am more productive, patient and positive when I give myself this time each morning and am better able to give the same positive encouragement to my clients, friends and family. This ritual is a non-negotiable and is scheduled in my day.
Q | How have you found food habits or morning activities can positively affect your lifestyle?
Stacy: When I start the day with my mental fueling it paves the road for making good choices with my nutrients. I typically take the time on Sunday to make sure meals are prepared for the week.
As a mom, business owner, trainer, instructor and coach I often work 12-hour days. To keep my energy levels up, it’s imperative I eat high-quality food and balanced nutrients. I pack a cooler each day with 64 ounces of water, two snacks, a smoothie and extra powdered protein or RTD (ready-to-drink) protein drink along with dried fruit and raw veggies. In case I don't get home in time for dinner, I always have a healthy alternative with me.
Stacy shared the following recipes and fair warning…the Slow Cooker Oatmeal recipe… you’ll fall in love fast! You know when you add milk to a no-good-for-you coco cereal and it gets all chocolaty? Yeah, that’s this recipe, but with whole grains and no fat or sugar. Experiment with the grains, if you like, but do yourself the biggest favor and get in the habit of planning ahead. These recipes make it easy to do just that.

Power Smoothies
“I like to experiment with different recipes. During the fall I enjoy pumpkin, dates and oatmeal along with almond milk for my smoothies. During the summer I experiment with tropical fruits and coconut. More often than not, I use what I have available and blend. Once you get in the habit of making smoothies, you'll find that you are able to get a full meal in a drink and it’s a great way to start the day. - Stacy Brown
Stacy’s Power Smoothies
Frozen Fruit: Blueberries & Pineapple
Vegetables: Organic Spinach, Kale or Powdered Greens
Protein: Hemp, Whey or Rice
Nut/Seed: Chai, Flax Seed or Almond Butter
Liquid: Almond or Hemp Milk or Organic Kefir
Topper: Coconut, Pomegranate Seeds, Dark Chocolate or Cinnamon
1) Blend all ingredients in a blender and enjoy. If necessary add more liquid to desired consistency.

Slow Cooker Oatmeal
This time of the year I love using my slow cooker to make slow cooked oats. The recipe takes 5 hours to cook and it makes enough for a couple of days. Divide the cooked oatmeal into single serving containers and each morning all you have to do is heat it up. - Stacy Brown
1 cup steel cut oats
2 cups almond milk, unsweetened
2 cups hemp milk, unsweetened
2 tablespoons cocoa powder, unsweetened
1 tablespoon dry organic coconut flakes, unsweetened
1) Combine all ingredients in the slow cooker and cook on low until the liquid is completely soaked up by the oats, approximately 5 hours.
2) Garnish with apple sauce or organic Greek yogurt along with sliced almonds.