Where does one embark on a journey to get healthier without a hefty price tag? Today, many individuals are living under the strains of a challenging economic environment. But we don’t have to allow it to affect our waistline! Even though one may have to make cuts in what may be considered “luxury” items, such as a gym membership, he or she can still be sensible in his or her approach by continuing to exercise and stay healthy. Consider spending a few dollars and time on a sound investment from which you can reap great dividends – your health.
Recent studies show that sitting is hazardous to our health. In fact, approximately 75 to 90 percent of our waking day is spent sitting, be it working at a desk, riding in a car, eating a meal, playing video games, texting, working on a computer or watching TV. In order to combat the disease processes associated with a sedentary “sitting” lifestyle, begin to add spontaneous physical activity to your day in order to break up any prolonged periods of sitting.
FITNESS FACT: Increasing general activity throughout the day will help you reap great rewards without ever having to pick up a dumbbell!
It has never been easier to find great fitness-related programming on cable television and online. There are many free resources at local public libraries, including books, magazines and fitness DVDs that can help you with workout ideas. Look in your garage for old equipment such as jump ropes and weighted dumbbells.
FITNESS FACT: Visit garage sales for bargains on dumbbells and gently used fitness equipment.
Walking a dog, riding a bike or taking a stroll through the beautiful grounds of the Reading Public Museum, Thun Trail or Gring’s Mill is a fantastic activity of choice on weekends. With the diverse trail system Berks County offers, there is no reason not to take advantage of the scenery, get outside, and get a good hike. No matter what the season, being outdoors and getting fresh air can do a world of good for the mind, body and spirit. Check out www.greaterreadingtrails.com for a map of the numerous trails in Reading.
Be sure you start off your fitness journey with appropriate footwear. Taking the time to invest in great-fitting sneakers will enable you to get the most out of every workout. Make sure that someone assesses your walking and running style to be sure you have a great fit! Visit A Running Start, 705 Penn Ave., West Reading, 610.320.9097 www.arunningstart.biz
Consider jogging to a local playground for a challenging workout. There are endless opportunities for exercise options, all at no cost! Find a bench for step-ups, push-ups or tricep dips. Hit the stairs for an intense cardiovascular challenge! Why not involve your entire family in the workout? The family that exercises together stays healthy together.
FITNESS FACT: A personal favorite is Happy Hollow Playground in Wyomissing.
With just a few minor purchases of equipment to use at home – such as a resistance ball, yoga mat, Kettlebell, jump rope and dumbbells – you can create your own mini-gym in a mini amount space in your home. If time is an issue, break down your workout segments in 15-minute chunks. For fitness equipment, check out Fitness Mania, 88 Commerce Drive, Wyomissing, 610.371.0140.
Think outside the box when it comes to exercising! Spend an evening at Laser Quest (1035 Bern Rd., Wyomissing, 610.208.0766) playing hide-and-seek with friends, take the family indoor rock climbing for a challenging workout, or hire an instructor to come to your house for a yoga party! Check out Reading Rocks, 550 George St., Reading, 610.374.6007. www.readingrocks.com
Have you been a walker for years and haven’t been noticing any changes in your body or the scale? You can supercharge your current walking program by simply adding Nordic Walking poles to burn 20 to 46 percent more calories, according to a recent study by the Cooper Institute. Moving the upper body by using the poles helps open the chest, improve posture, reduce stress on joints and improve balance. For more information on Nordic Walking, visit nordicwalkingusa.com.
Hiring a qualified trainer will cost less than one might think. Seek a trainer that has an exercise degree and/or current certifications. These individualized trainers most definitely demonstrate training techniques to meet one’s specific fitness needs. Your trainer can create a specialized workout program for you to do at home. Consider a monthly appointment to update your workouts so your program stays fresh and fun. After six months, you’ll have many workouts to cycle through. Visit www.sunshinewellnessresources.com for a home-based training program.
Stacy Brown is the President of Sunshine Wellness Resources, a personal training studio located in West Reading, PA. For more training tips, contact her at