Looking to make the grade? It all starts with setting yourself up for success. Follow these five tips and you’ll be acing homework and exams in no time.
- Designate a space in your home specifically for studying. Once you’ve found your spot, make a commitment to do nothing other than study in that space. When you take a break, do it elsewhere. When you are seated at your study space, get to work immediately. After a few days, you will form a series of good study habits associated specifically with that space.
- Avoid spaces set for other intentions. Think the bedroom or kitchen; they already serve a separate purpose. In these areas, it will be harder to focus on the task at hand.
- Stock up on necessities. Gather the item you will for studying before you sit down. Also consider if your lighting, possible noise interruptions you can avoid from the get-go, and the like.
- Avoid clutter. Organization keeps things moving efficiently and also limits distractions.
- Choose music without lyrics. If you find that background noise helps you focus, try ambient music, classical music, or white noise instead, that way you’re not tempted to sing along and your attention is not divided. Turn off electronic devices that vying for your attention, too. If, that’s not an option try setting the color display on your device to black and white and the volume to vibrate or silent. (A quick google search will teach you how to do this on your specific device.)
Here’s to straight A’s!