Despite major power-players like 1800Flowers and Blooms Today making it more ‘convenient’ for consumers to order flowers online, small floral shops are booming. Owners of Cedar Hill Flowers in Birdsboro, Todd and Michelle Bowman are striving to keep ordering flowers easy and simple for their loyal customers. While it may seem easier, and at the time more cost effective, to have a third party retailer fulfill orders, there is more going on behind the scenes than you, the consumer, may realize. These online providers might employ people who may not know a single thing about flower arrangements, meaning they are just there to push along the consumer and scoop up the extra money they charge (which can be anywhere from $15-20 extra on top of the order). They also don’t carry any inventory, which raises the question of, “Where is my money actually going?”
These companies also, because of their search engine optimization programs, will appear ahead of the local florist in the area on search engines. Todd says “these companies will use a florist name or town in their description, but have no affiliation with either.” Using a local florist and ordering with them direct will alleviate any hassle and allows a business-to-customer connection.
Cedar Hill Flowers & Gifts has been serving Berks, York and Lancaster counties for more than 65 years. They employ their three-generations of tactics into their business philosophy: a commitment to service, freshness and quality. So remember, the next time you want to order an arrangement for that special someone or to surprise a family member or friend, go directly through your local florist; you’ll be speaking directly with the distributor and have a quality product without breaking the bank.
For more about Cedar Hill Flowers & Gifts, call 610.582.8791 or visit